The membership in leading professional associations and special trade associations is a must for a professional international service provider as Detective Lloyd. The membership helps us not only to maintain always the newest standard of knowledge but also enables us to stay in contact with specialists all over the world. Thus, we have constant access to local agents, and can avoid unnecessary cost for travelling and expenses for stays as well as language problems. This way a constant local availability in all important international cities can be obtained and thus, a favourable calculation of cost.

Detective Lloyd is member of the following associations:

International Cooperation for Security und Investigation Service.<br/>1983 von einer Gruppe engagierter europäischer Sicherheitsfachleute in Turin gegründet. Mitglieder rekrutieren sich aus ehemaligen Polizei- und Kriminalbeamten sowie aus oberen Sicherheitsbehörden.

Bayerischer Verband für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft e.V.

Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft